Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 1:00 PM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast.
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing on building out electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Electric vehicles are crucial for decarbonizing the U.S. transportation sector, which accounts for 29 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions—more than any other sector. While electric vehicles have gained traction in recent years, insufficient charging infrastructure is a significant barrier to widespread adoption. The $7.5 billion allocated to charging infrastructure in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and existing programs like the Rural Energy Savings Program present a significant opportunity to deploy widespread and equitable electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
How can charging infrastructure be rapidly expanded? What are the considerations for ensuring that charging infrastructure is accessible, equitable, and efficient? How can innovation improve charging infrastructure? Panelists will discuss these questions and the policy solutions that can help scale up electric vehicle charging infrastructure to drive down emissions.
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 3:30 PM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast.
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing on direct air capture, which chemically removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The captured carbon can be permanently stored underground or used in industrial processes. While climate change mitigation efforts are the priority, carbon dioxide removal will be necessary to help meet climate goals and limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) as outlined in the Paris Agreement. The scale of carbon removal needed will depend on how fast the world curbs greenhouse gas emissions.
During this briefing, panelists will explain what Congress needs to know about direct air capture, including the considerations, challenges, and opportunities involved in responsibly scaling it up.
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 1:00 PM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast.
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing on policies and practices to address sea level rise. Sea level rise is a unique challenge for coastal communities and for policymakers. How will impacts from sea level rise compound impacts from extreme storm events? What infrastructure and communities will be impacted over different time horizons? When should funding be allocated to rebuild or armor coastlines and what are alternative options? What are the strengths and limitations of nature-based solutions for coastal resilience to sea level rise?
Panelists will discuss these questions and highlight policy ideas and solutions that could start to shape a more robust U.S. response to sea level rise.
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 1:00 PM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast.
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing on green hydrogen. Green hydrogen—hydrogen produced using renewable energy—will likely be necessary for decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors like steel production and providing a low- and no-emissions alternative to the existing carbon-intensive hydrogen industry. The problem? Green hydrogen currently makes up less than one percent of U.S. hydrogen production and is far more expensive than fossil fuel-based hydrogen. Panelists will discuss opportunities and considerations for ramping up green hydrogen, including the role of federal policy.
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 12:00 PM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast.
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing series on strategies, policies, and programs preparing communities around the country for four major climate threats: polar vortices, sea level rise, wildfires, and extreme heat. Experts and practitioners will highlight the unique challenges these climate threats present along with strategies to overcome them.
The polar vortex is an area of low-pressure, frigid air that usually exists around the North Pole. The polar vortex is held in place by the Earth’s rotation and temperature differences between the Arctic and mid-latitudes. Changes in temperature differences can make the polar vortex expand to more southern latitudes. While this phenomenon occurs naturally, climate change is expected to impact the frequency and severity of polar vortex events. Communities must consider adaptation strategies to avoid blackouts and improve overall home energy efficiency, as loss of power when temperatures are so low can become deadly—246 people died during the Texas polar vortex freeze in 2021, many from hypothermia.
Panelists will discuss the science behind the polar vortex and how the energy grid and other critical infrastructure can be made resilient to this threat.
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 1:00 PM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to join us for a briefing about the Justice40 Initiative and how it can deliver benefits to frontline communities.
In January 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order 14008 on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. The executive order launched a new initiative, Justice40, which aims to target 40 percent of the benefits from specific federal investments—such as those for clean energy, energy efficiency, and water infrastructure—to “disadvantaged communities.” Justice40 is a critical part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of advancing environmental justice, but efforts must be made to ensure communities see maximum benefits from the initiative. To inform the Justice40 Initiative, the Council on Environmental Quality recently launched a Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool.
During this briefing, experts will discuss the transformative potential of Justice40 as well as the current status of the initiative. Panelists will describe the wide range of benefits frontline communities could realize from fair and just implementation of the initiative.
Introductory remarks from Representative Donald McEachin (D-Virginia).
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 10:30 AM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast
Agencies in Action
Federal Programs That Deliver Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Benefits Every Day
Find out more about the briefings in this series below:
Feb 08
Financing Inclusive Clean Energy Investments in Rural America
Feb 24
Energy Efficiency Means Business
Mar 18
Climate Adaptation Programs across Agencies
Mar 29
Building a Durable National Framework for Large Landscape Conservation
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing series on federal programs that currently deliver a host of climate, environmental, economic, and social benefits nationwide. Experts and practitioners will discuss how these programs are working on-the-ground to deliver value to constituents across geographies, in both urban and rural settings. The series covers federal programs in climate financing, energy efficiency, climate adaptation, and conservation at landscape scales.
The final briefing in the series will focus on landscape conservation. Ecosystems often span county, state, tribal, and national borders. Wide swaths of area must be managed across jurisdictions and in collaboration with stakeholders on the ground to maximize social and environmental benefits, including ecosystem services such as water filtration and carbon sequestration. Furthermore, networks of intact and connected core habitats, working lands, and open space facilitate the migration of species, which is especially important for allowing animals to adapt to climate and land use changes, as well as for reducing human-wildlife conflict and wildlife-vehicle collisions.
Panelists will dive into the benefits of coordinating conservation efforts at the scale of large landscapes and showcase opportunities to advance an inclusive and durable national framework for landscape conservation.
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 1:00 PM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast
Agencies in Action
Federal Programs That Deliver Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Benefits Every Day
Find out more about the briefings in this series below:
Feb 08
Financing Inclusive Clean Energy Investments in Rural America
Feb 24
Energy Efficiency Means Business
Mar 18
Climate Adaptation Programs across Agencies
Mar 29
Building a Durable National Framework for Large Landscape Conservation
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing series on federal programs that currently deliver a host of climate, environmental, economic, and social benefits nationwide. Experts and practitioners will discuss how these programs are working on-the-ground to deliver value to constituents across geographies, in both urban and rural settings. The series covers federal programs in climate financing, energy efficiency, climate adaptation, and conservation at landscape scales.
The third briefing in the series will cover climate adaptation programs. As climate change continues to impact communities and ecosystems across the country, federal programs that focus on adaptation are playing a key role in helping communities prepare for and stay safe from the impacts of our changing climate. Panelists will discuss adaptation-focused federal programs administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Army Corps of Engineers, and other agencies, and why these programs are important for districts across the country.
Introductory remarks from Representative Scott Peters (D-Calif.).
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 01:00 PM EDT at www.eesi.org/livecast
Hosted in coordination with the
House and Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucuses
Sponsored by:
Business Council for Sustainable Energy and Environmental and Energy Study Institute
The tenth edition of the Sustainable Energy in America Factbook, published by BloombergNEF (BNEF) and the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE), was released on March 3, 2022, and is available to download from the BCSE website at bcse.org/factbook. The Factbook provides updates on industry information and trends for the U.S. energy sector, with an in-depth look at the energy efficiency, renewable energy, and natural gas sectors, as well as emerging areas such as digitalization, micro-grids, offshore wind, hydrogen, and renewable natural gas.
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
A live webcast will be streamed at 03:00 PM EST at www.eesi.org/livecast.
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing series on federal programs that currently deliver a host of climate, environmental, economic, and social benefits nationwide. Experts and practitioners will discuss how these programs are working on-the-ground to deliver value to constituents across geographies, in both urban and rural settings. The series covers federal programs in climate financing, energy efficiency, climate adaptation, and conservation.
The second briefing in the series will cover federal energy efficiency programs administered by the U.S. Department of Energy that support millions of jobs and deliver direct, meaningful savings to homeowners, consumers, and businesses—all while reducing the stresses and strains on the U.S. energy system.
Energy efficiency also improves the sustainability and resilience of communities and contributes to near-term reductions in pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Panelists will discuss how all these benefits play out on the ground from the state, private sector, and federal agency perspectives.